9.7.2 View Logs

You can see the latest test results or logs from past test run in this page. By default, the page will display all past tests starting from the most recent to the oldest. You have the option to filter out the logs by different parameters as highlighted in the below image followed by the description later on how to filter. Filtering Logs

The filters numbered in the image above are exaplained as below that allow filter by,

  1. Schedule Name(s) - Filters the test result by checking on one or multiple schedules from the list of all the schedules in this building. Hence, we recommend naming schedules which are easier to identify.

  2. Floor(s) - Fliters the results for a specific floor or multiple floors.

  3. Tag(s) - If you need to filter out the result based on a specific or multiple tags, you can check the respective tag name boxes from dropdown.

  4. Test type(s) - Allows option to choose function or duration test to filter the result for respective test types. If you choose both with no other filters it will show all results.

  5. Test state(s) - You can filter the logs based on different test status. (Click here to see possible test states)

  6. Date/Period - You can filter the logs for a specific period by choosing a starting date (from date) and last date (to date). If you don’t choose a last date, it will automatically select present day as last day.

You won’t be able to see any tags created by tenants when you click on filter by tags section. Those are only visible when a tenant user is applying filters. Click here to read more on visibility & access of tags. Logs Table Data

The below image is a screenshot of logs page that shows data (numbered) available in the results table.

Test Result Table (without filters)
  1. Schedule - Includes the schedule name and tags within that schedule. If mutiple nodes ran test within a schedule the name will appear once in the table followed by next schedule name that ran earlier in time. The schedule name can be clicked on, taking you to the respective schedule in the schedules' page.

  2. Start date - This section will highlight the test commenced date & time in the format of “week day, date, time. This time is based upon the building timezone.

  3. Test type - Highlights the type of test, either functional or duration.

  4. Node ID - Lists the Response Node ID (Response Portal generated). Each ID when clicked takes you to the the Manual Test page and highlights (blue selection) the Response Node on the floorplan. (Click here for more on Manual Test)

  5. Device ID - Has unique Response Portal generated device ID for all emergency devices.

  6. State - This section of the logs will highlight the test result status. (Click here to see all possible states)

  7. Message - Provides the reason for the specific test status e.g. reason of a failed test will be shown here.

You can find an example of logs page below while we have initiated some test with the test state ‘IN_PROGRESS’.