9.7.3. Export Reports

This menu allows users to export the test reports directly into excel simply by clicking on the Export button as shown in the below image. You can also filter out the test results if you are interested to export results only for some specific criteria. Filtering Reports

In order to maintain coherence, the filters available here are similar to what you would have in the logs page and are expected to work the same as they do in the logs. If you export the reports without filtering any parameters, the report will contain the latest results for all the nodes in the building. See the filters explained and numbered below that will allow filtering by;

Filters in reports page
  1. Schedule Name (s) - You can choose a single or multiple schedules from the drop down

  2. Floor(s) - Allows specifying one or multiple floors

  3. Tag(s) - If you would like to export the reports for any specific tag, you can choose them from this filter.

  4. Test type(s) - Can filter out the reports for a test type either functional or duration test

  5. Test state(s) - Gives selection from different test states available from dropdown.

  6. Date/Period - Filers the test reports for a specific period by choosing a starting date (from date) and last date (to date). If you don’t choose a last date, it will automatically select present day as last day.

You won’t be able to see any tags created by tenants when you click on the filter by tags section. Those are only visible when a tenant user is applying filters. Click here to read more on visibility & access of tags.

Once you have applied one or multiple filters above you can click on the Export button to get the latest results for all the nodes based upon your selection. The reports generated will only grab the latest results for your selection criteria. If you are not able to see the results that you wished head back to the logs page and apply the same filter to see the latest log entries for the tests you wished to export.

While you can apply multiple filters at the same time it is possible that when you make multiple selection across multiple filters there are no results that satisfies all of the selected criteria. If that happens the Response Portal will display the message stating that no result match the filter criteria. Sample Report

The exported files can be saved in excel format. When you click on export a popup will appear in a few seconds allowing you to name the file and save it locally on your machine.

Please do note,

  1. The amount of time it takes to generate the report depends upon how many filters and nodes are exported in a report. It can take longer to generate a report, please wait until the pop up appear before trying to export again.

  2. By default the report generated will take the name “Building Name Emergency Lighting Test report Date“. Where the building name & date changes from building to building and when a report is being exported. You can edit the name while saving or anytime later.

  3. Once the report is exported it can be edited manually and we won’t be able track any local changes made to the report. Always remember to grab fresh reports from the Response Portal before sending it to stakeholders.

Reports do not contain the schedule name even if the filter is applied for a schedule, always refer to latest test results in the logs page to verify, in case of any doubt.

The below image shows an exported sample report generated (for illustration only),