9.7.4 Manual Test Node Selection

As the name suggests the page allows you to make custom selection and initiate tests on Response Node manually. The selection of luminaires can be done in any of the following manner to initiate manual testing,.

  1. You can select a node individual from the floor plan by simply clicking on an EM device

  2. You can also use selection method such as “Area Selection“, “Cumulative Selection” & “Select All“

  3. You can select a tag available on the right to select all nodes assigned to it

You can also click on the node ID from logs page to select a particular node/emergency device and it will take you to the manual test page with the device or node selected.

You won’t be able to see tenant created standard tags in the tag list here, but you can see all the tags associated with the Response Node when you hover mouse over the Response Node as shown in below image Tool Tip

The tools that become visible when you take your mouse on a floor allow you to;

  1. Enable or disable the constant view of options

  2. Enable/disable all nodes

  3. Show/hide attached devices

  4. Enable/disable view of emergency lights

Selection Tooltip

  1. Area selection

  2. Cumulative selection

  3. Select all

  4. Clear selection How to Run Manual Test

Once you have made the selection by any of the above options you can initiate a relevant test from options on the right to initiate that test on all attached devices (if applicable) or to cancel the test.

Once you click on to initiate a test, you can see the popup window appear to confirm that you wish to run this test.

Upon confirmation you can see the status as ‘Request for running tests sent successfully’ at the top of the screen.

Once the test has been initiated, you can see the selected emergency device would change to blinking orange color to indicate a test is in progress.

When you hover mouse over the selected node, you can also monitor the live test result status as shown in image on the right Different Colour Schemes and Results

The floor plan will give you a visual indication of the latest test result through four different colours with which each sensor Response Node be highlighted for easier viusal identification of their status as explained below.

Color Schemes & Combinations

DT Status




Timed out


FT Status




Timed out


Green -

Red -

Orange -

Yellow -