We Experience Delay/Lag in Colour Temperature Changes

We have carried out some testing based upon partner feedback and have found that there are drivers which exhibit a lag in switching between scenes. The dim level will respond straight away, however there is a lag in the colour temperature change for about 30seconds to 1 minute.

The issue was reported to Tridonic which they confirmed. Wherein if a dimming or activate command is sent then it will stop the previous command, which in this case is the setting of the colour temperature. Currently, the sensor node sends the activate command whenever a colour temperature change is sent hence the problem. Tridonic has provided a resolution in terms of a .cot file that we need to load to the driver. Kindly refer to the technical bulletin attached here to follow through the complete process along with .cot file required to implement the fix,

List of Reported Drivers

In addition to the drivers mentioned in the bulletin the fix has been reported to have fixed problem for all the drivers listed below. Kindly refer to the list as we will contiune to add if we receive further feedback and problem is repeatable on more drivers,

  1. Tridonic LCA 50W 350-1050MA DT8 LP PRE

  2. Tridonic LCA 38W 350–1050mA DT8 C PRE