Email Notifications from the Portal

Notifications are supposed to work in the following way:

What types of Notifications?

  • Luminaire Fault
  • Duplicate Mapping
  • Emergency Lighting Test Failure

We send a notification when any of those change, i.e. even if a node reported a fault and now no longer reports that fault, there will be a notification.

How often/what latency?

  • The first message should be received ~20s after an issue has occurred
  • Disconnections take a while to be detected (a node is said to be disconnected if we haven't received any data from it for an hour)
  • After that we back off as follows (so we don't spam users):
    • 2 minutes, 30 minutes, 2 hours
    • i.e. if we have already sent an email about a luminaire fault, we won't send an email about another luminaire fault for the next 2m, then for 30m etc.
    • Unless the severity changes