6.0 Download the APK file for IR App on Android devices & Compatibility

Please remember to turn off the auto-update application in the Google Play Store so it can’t get updated to the latest version. Also, please note that only Android devices can download the APK file.

6.1. Turn off Auto Update

Follow the steps mentioned below to turn off the auto-update mode.

  1. Open the Play Store app, and tap your profile picture on the top right.

  2. Go to Settings, select Network preferences, and go to Auto-update apps.

  3. Select Don't auto-update apps and tap Done.

6.2. Install IR App (via apk)

If you want to use the old IR App with the EnOcean switch functionality, you can access the app by following the below steps to download the IR App. Remember to uninstall the current version of the IR app before you proceed.

  1. On your Android device, you can go to settings.

  2. Find "Install unknown apps" on the search bar.

  1. Enable "Install unknown apps" on Drive or Chrome, whichever you're using to download the app


  1. Install the app by downloading via this link 73.apk. It should auto-install itself once downloaded, if it didn't auto-install, go to your Folder app and find the apk file you've downloaded and click it to install it as shown in below images. .