5.0 Troubleshoot false triggers when the lights don’t turn off

Luminaires being turned on even though there is no occupancy beneath it is a problem that can be caused by false triggering nodes.

The Sensor Node is sensitive to electrical interference generated by local electrical sources and this causes the Sensor Node’s motion sensor (PIR) to falsely detect occupancy resulting in sensor nodes being turned on with no actual presence.

It is recommended to avoid electrical interference during the installation. https://organicresponse.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/2079949003

There are few ways to identify false triggering luminaires and resolve the problem.

Kindly refer to https://organicresponse.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/1935704154 to read more on the following areas;

  1. How to identify a false triggering luminaire:


  1. How to temporarily relieve the problem

  2. How to do a Lone Motion Sensor Activation (LMSA) to identify if there is an interference in the environment.